Xoxoday Empuls

Xoxoday Empuls

Xoxoday Empuls is a holistic employee engagement solution for SMBs. It empowers people leaders to bring teams together, provide a common forum to communicate better, and build a culture of appreciation throughout the organization.

Empuls is a DIY, user-friendly platform for HR to get started within a day. Whether using the platform as a standalone tool or in integration with existing tools such as HRIS, Slack, Teams, or G-Suite, Empuls does the job seamlessly and in minutes. 

Empuls has everything covered with its rich features to get your employees engaged: 

  • Employee pulse & eNPS surveys to gather qualitative feedback
  • Build a culture of Peer-to-peer recognition with moments of praise and appreciation
  • Automate reward campaigns to celebrate employees’ birthdays, work anniversaries, and achievements.
  • A rewards catalog with over 21000 gift card options spread over 20+ reward categories and 75+ countries.
  • Social intranet platform that allows employees to create groups and engage in meaningful conversations.


HR Software
Mitarbeiterportal (HR Self Services)
Social Intranet (Kommunikationsplattform)
Weitere Eigenschaften
Private Cloud
geeignet für
Kleinunternehmen (<50 Mitarbeiter) Mittlere Unternehmen (<250 Mitarbeiter)
deutsch englisch spanisch französisch italienisch chinesisch
Dienstleistungen (Agenturen, Berater etc.), Erziehung und Unterricht, Finanzen, Versicherungen & Immobilien , Gesundheit & Sozialwesen (Ärzte, Krankenhäuser & Apotheken, Pflege & Betreuung), Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie, Konsumgüterindustrie